From @irl feedback and other issues:
Endpoints that can be dropped:
was only ever used by Tor Atlas- One of the keys lets you look up history of historical relays to verify the first_seen and uptime, and was only ever used by the t-shirt awarding Python script.
Endpoints that should stay:
exists to facilitate Relay Search with human typing on a keyboard queries.- key/value parameters exist for easier scripting use, eg. OrNetStats pulling data about relay families or the Bypass Censorship dashboard pulling data about the bridges it runs.
- The
aggregated search
feature is widely used. To be implemented server-side
New endpoints:
: expose the directory authorities shipped with tor (#41)?
: measured bandwidths from votes, bandwidth scanner data (#30)?
: proxy vm queries (#50, metrics exposed to vm) or something similar to vmgateway
New params:
(can be implemented with actix-web-pagination)- allow parameters and search terms to be specified more than once (#43)
: currently computed by Relay Search client-side. To be implemented server-side (see also #39)fallback_directory
? (#39#note_2985815)?
: search bridges: search by distributor and transport. There's a new 'transport-info' field in the cached-extrainfo: transport-info version=0.1.0 implementation=lyrebird (#55)ed25519 fps
? (#40)
New properties in response:
ed25519 fps
advanced relay search:
- "Not Recommended"
Current Onionoo API:
(uncomplete docs),
Metrics Website list: